viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018

INNX Slipcovers Made of Quilted Microfiber Suede

I love this for so many reasons. I recently adopted a dog who sheds and was looking for simple modifications to make to handle the shedding (besides the brushing and other grooming stuff that I do). My mother bought a similar cover for when we come over to her house, but it wasn't great. Hers wasn't super comfy for humans to sit on, the side covers by the arm rest easily came undone, and if my dog ever jumped on the top cushion (which she loves to do), the cover would eventually come off. We had to safety pin the cover to her couch, but then sometimes when we sat on it, the safety pin would pop out! Anyways, I knew I wanted something different for my couch...and this was just what I needed. What makes this different? To begin, the arm rest area had a fabric piece that also had a horizontal foam piece, so when you push it down the side of the cushion by the armrest, it is very secure! It also is super comfortable for humans (and my dog) to sit on. When I was about to set this up and was taking off the pillows, I turned back to where I set this down on the ground and my dog was curled up on top of it! This also is long and covers my couch. It also has a strap on the back of it (which helps if you're not sure what is the front or back) which allows you to secure it to your couch. This feature didn't quite work on my couch, because it created small hole that I, being a paranoid first time dog mom, am worried my dog might fall down into and get caught because the cushion won't move with the strap. Like I said, I'm just paranoid it'd probably never happen, but I don't want to take my chances. I found that I didn't need the strap though, because the back was long enough that even if my dog jumped on top of the cushion, the top didn't flip over. Another side bonus is that if you vacuum your furniture, this makes it so much easier, because it is all on the surface. Also, if you eat on your couch and spill, it is easy to pick up and you don't have to worry about crumbs falling through the cracks. So this cover is good for my dog and me ;)! Overall, very satisfied with this product!

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MI EXPERIENCIA CON SMILEY360 ��| 2017 Gaby te enseña

Sigo probando los productos que me envia Smiley360 y es realmente increible que cada producto que recibo, supera al anterior! MARAVILLOSO ...